Calico Telescope Head Goldfish

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Calico Telescope Head Goldfish

The calico telescope head goldfish, also called the telescope eye goldfish, has a mottled orange, black and white body with very extended eyes. These fish will not compete well with fast moving species so put food close to them. They may look very pretty, but they are a little slow.

The telescope eye feature was creating by selective breeding in China at the end of the 16th Century, and most of the standard colors today were further refined in Japan.

  • Scientific Name: Carassius Arautus
  • Origin: Asia
  • Lifespan: 20 years
  • Max Size: Up to 10″
  • Food: Flake, Live, Frozen
  • Shipping Size: Medium 2 inches Large  3 to 4 inches

price : $ 10.99

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